


Map of Poverty in Mexico

Maps are often designed to visualize more than just space and distance. This map, for instance, visualizes how poverty is distributed throughout the various Mexican states in hopes of identifying those areas most in need.


Ptolemy's World Map

Ptolemy was an ancient geographer working in Rome in the 2nd century AD.

Circular medieval painting of a man raising his right arm

Res Obscura

Functioning primarily as the personal blog of historian Benjamin Breen, Res Obscura stays true to its by-line by being ‘a catalogue of obscure things’.

The Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project

The Chinese Railroad Workers in America Project is an excellent, multi-faceted model of how rigorous academic research can embrace the digital turn to interface with the public in a clear and accessible way.
Black and white cat hissing on a gabled rooftop. This is a detail from Japanese printmaker Kōno Bairei.

Japanese Illustrated Books from the Edo and Meiji Periods

Spanning over three hundred years of Japanese book history, the collection includes famous Edo period (1603-1868) artists such as Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858) and Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849).

Photo Library of the French School of Asian Studies

The EFEO has long been one of the leading centres of architectural, archaeological, epigraphic, ethnographic, and art historical research on Asia and this effort to digitise their extensive collection of photographs offers scholars and the public a new lens with which they can view a visually
Example map from StoryMapJS

StoryMapJS: Maps that Tell Stories

A completed StoryMap will take you through a narrative that links text and media to locations on a map. Rather than simply clicking through points on a map, the tool is designed to create a narrative flow by clicking on an arrow to advance the story in a predetermined order.

Iceland Saga Map

Ultimately, the purpose of this map is to encourage and aid new readings of the sagas.
Stellar diagram features a drawing of a ship surrounded by Chinese characters

Navigational Charts Based on Those Used by Zheng He

These two woodblock prints are part of a map printed in a seventeenth-century military treatise, and thought to be based on the maps used by Zheng He in his voyages.

Document icon

Excerpt from Ibn Battuta's Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354

This source comes from the travel book of Ibn Battuta (1304-1369), a Moroccan Berber scholar and explorer.