
Short Teaching Module: East Asian Developmental States in Global History
The essay examines the concept of the “developmental state” in East Asia, tracing its evolution and application across both capitalist and socialist regimes of the twentieth century.

Showa Steelworks in Anshan (Northeast China)
Showa Steelworks, initially established as Anshan Ironworks in 1917, was located in Anshan, Liaoning Province, Northeast China, historically known as Manchuria.

Weng Wenhao
Weng Wenhao (翁文灏, 1889-1971) was a distinguished Chinese geologist, politician, and educator who played a crucial role in shaping China's developmental state during the 20th century.

Amrita Sher-Gil: Young Girls, Group of Three Girls
Group of Three Girls (1935), and Young Girls (1932) were created by th

Girl Museum
The Girl Museum makes important interventions by placing girlhood more squarely into the teaching of history, literature, culture, and arts on a global scale.
Source Collection: Korean Colonial-Era Children’s Literature
Children's literature can reveal a great deal about the time and place in which it was written. These stories from Korea published in 1946 provide insights into ideas about childhood, play, gender, family and even national identity the newly independent and not yet divided nation.

Published in 1946 for an audience of affluent, book-buying families in Seoul, Grapes and Beads realistically describes the daily lives of children in the poorer countryside with affection and respect.

A Mother's Power
Published in 1946 for an audience of affluent, book-buying families in Seoul, Grapes and Beads realistically describes the daily lives of children in the poorer countryside with affection and respect.

Cat (Korean Children's Story)
Published in 1946 for an audience of affluent, book-buying families in Seoul, Grapes and Beads realistically describes the daily lives of children in the poorer countryside with affection and respect.

Published in 1946 for an audience of affluent, book-buying families in Seoul, Grapes and Beads realistically describes the daily lives of children in the poorer countryside with affection and respect.