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Wooden Stockade on Penang Island, 18th century

This stockade was painted by Captain Elisha Trapaud in 1787 and the painting is preserved in the India Office Library in London.

Newspaper headline: "O.A.C. graduates are eighty-two" transcription in folder in module.

Short Teaching Module: Indian Immigrants and U.S. Citizenship in an Imperial Context

Scholars often study citizenship and denaturalization in national frameworks. The history of legal status and its attendant politics and bureaucratic processes in the United States has long been tied to imperial constellations however.

Article on Mohammed Abdul Rashid. Full text in module folder.

Britain pressures U.S. to revoke citizenship of Indian activist

The US press often carried news of diplomatic issues in its headlines. This included references to matters of citizenship.

Headline: U.S. May Revoke Das' Citizenship. Full transcript in folder in module.

U.S. targets Indian activist, Taraknath Das

During World War I, U.S. and British officials expanded a transimperial surveillance apparatus designed to police enemy aliens and foreign threats. U.S.

Newspaper headline: "O.A.C. graduates are eighty-two" transcription in folder in module.

Rashid graduates from Oregon Agricultural college, 1908

Indian and other Asian immigrants attended land grant universities across the United States in the early twentieth century.

Ship Plan of a Late-19th Century Steamship

Short Teaching Module: Connecting the French Empire

For a long time, historians tended to study colonial empires of the 19th and 20th centuries one colony at a time, or through the relationship of one colony to its metropole.

Image of the Mahabodhi Temple: a stepped pyramid with round dome-shaped structure (stupa) on top

Analyzing Travel Records

In a way, all historical thinking and all historical writing deal with travel accounts.

Map of Asia showing the lands Marco Polo traveled to.

Marco Polo’s Travels

Macro Polo lived from 1254 to 1324. He spent twenty-four years journeying through the Asian continent and left behind an impressive amount of documentation including travelogues of his adventures.

Page from al-Biruni's writing. Description in annotation.

Travel writing of al-Biruni, 11th century Persian scholar

This image is taken from a page of al-Biruni work called Chronology of an Ancient Nations. al-Biruni was a native of Iran. He was a prolific Persian scholar. While he published works in a wide variety of subjects, the majority of those works were on the subject of astronomy.

Image of the Mahabodhi Temple: a stepped pyramid with round dome-shaped structure (stupa) on top

Mahabodhi Temple

This photograph shows the Mahabodhi Temple complex. The temple is a part of Bodh Gaya a religious place in the Gaya District in Bihar that is one of the four and most important pilgrimages associated with the life of Gautama Buddha.