

Map of the Union Pacific Railway

Map of the Union Pacific Railway

This 19th century map illustrating the many places one could travel on the Union Pacific Railway is the product of a multitude of choices made by the mapmaker.

Close up image of an Indian girl in traditional northern Indian hill attire holding a cup of tea that says Lipton's tea

Tasveer Ghar (A House of Pictures)

This database would be most useful for instructors teaching modern South Asia and for students in college-level seminars.

The Mercator Projection

Although the Flemish geographer and cartographer Gerardus Mercator's rendering of the earth has been criticized for the way it distorts reality, it was revolutionary in the way it organized space and distance.


The Jingban tianwen quantu Map of the World

Like many maps in the pre-modern and early-modern world, this map from China at the end of the 18th century reflected a deeply egocentric worldview.


The Turin Beatus Map of the World

Before the modern age, maps offered more than just an objective, geographical survey. Often, as is the case with this world map from the 12th century, they also conveyed a set of stories that shaped the worldview of its viewers.


Marshall Islands Stick Charts

The Marshall Island stick charts represent a unique and non-Western tradition of mapmaking.


Africae tabula noua

This standard map of Africa came from a popular Atlas in the late sixteenth century.

Circular medieval painting of a man raising his right arm

Res Obscura

Functioning primarily as the personal blog of historian Benjamin Breen, Res Obscura stays true to its by-line by being ‘a catalogue of obscure things’.
Example map from StoryMapJS

StoryMapJS: Maps that Tell Stories

A completed StoryMap will take you through a narrative that links text and media to locations on a map. Rather than simply clicking through points on a map, the tool is designed to create a narrative flow by clicking on an arrow to advance the story in a predetermined order.

Iceland Saga Map

Ultimately, the purpose of this map is to encourage and aid new readings of the sagas.