
Laura Jernegan: Girl on a Whale Ship
Laura Jernegan: Girl on a Whale Ship is useful for those seeking primary source material on the myriad of subjects with which Laura Jernegan's young life intersected and to students wishing to learn more about the whaling industry and the adventures of a young girl and her family aboard a
Australian Studies Resources
The wide assortment of material makes it useful for teaching many distinct themes relevant to world history.
Indian Ocean History
It is easily the most comprehensive website for studying and teaching Indian Ocean history currently available.
Excerpt from "A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689"
Ovington’s travelogue “The City of Surat and Its Inhabitants,” an excerpt from John Ovington’s A Voyage to Surat in the Year 1689 provides students with a European trader’s point of view as he confronts the world of Islam during the Mughal rule of India.

Short Teaching Module: Women's Travel Writing
Women’s travel writing is a rich source for teaching world history. In this module, Patricia M.E. Lorcin explains how she uses two examples of women's travel writing to help students better understand a wide range of issues in world history.
Beauty and Darkness: Cambodia
In order to comprehend these overwhelming atrocities on a personal level, I strongly recommend the chilling oral histories...The accounts would make excellent supplementary reading for a class discussion on the Khmer Rogue and provide a hauntingly human face to the statistics.
Journeys in Time, 1809 – 1822: The Diaries of Lachlan and Elizabeth Macquarie
In teaching world history courses, this site would contribute to understanding the nature of British imperial expansion in the Pacific and the business of colonial governance.
Vatican Library
But the best use of this site might be to accept it as an exhibit and encourage students to wander through it themselves, stopping where they choose, so that they discover the beauty and variety of the collection.
Long Teaching Module: Economies in Transition in Eastern Europe, 1970-1990
It is well known that the East European Communist governments were unable to provide their citizens with a standard of living comparable to that of the West.
