Global Contact
Maps of Liberia, 1830 to 1870
This collection offers a unique opportunity to study black history and culture, both in the diaspora as well as in Africa itself.
World War I Posters
This collection is useful in a variety of ways—to study history, to study art and graphic design, and even to study pop culture.Review
Eltaher Collection
This collection is a good resource for learning about the fight for decolonization in the Middle East and Northern Africa, from the perspective of those being colonized.
Short Teaching Module: Colonialism and Local Power
Colonialism and imperialism can take many forms, but more often than not these do not entail direct and strict control from a distant imperial metropole.
American Colony in Jerusalem, 1870 to 2006
In a classroom setting, it might be used to study religion, as well as the history of Jerusalem more specifically.
Chamber of Commerce Newspaper from Guangzhouwan, China
The image is of the front page of a newspaper (商業旬報 Shangye xunbao) published in 1934 by the Chamber of Commerce in Guangzhouwan (廣州灣商會 Guangzhouwan shanghui).
UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology Image Database
What makes this site useful is its open accessibility to see the results of archaeological digs and excavations.
Cuauhtémoc prisionero
This painting depicts a scene from the conquest of Mexico City by Spanish soldiers (led by Hernán Cortés) in the early sixteenth century. It appears to have belonged to a larger work, but this section is all that remains.

The People’s Map of Global China
This website maps the international activities of Chinese businesses or government affairs, to create an idea of “Global China.”