

Sketch of map with notes in Dutch

Sejarah Nusantara

The Sejarah Nusantara represents an invaluable digital archive for international researchers studying the history of Indonesia and maritime Southeast Asia.
Drawing of several buildings surrounded by a wall

Florilegium Urbanum

Inspired by the medieval concept of a textual anthology illuminating specific topics, Florilegium Urbanum allows the user to explore more than 200 short sources and excerpts from longer texts dealing with medieval English towns.
List of data on crops in Germany, UK, and France.

NBER Macrohistory Database

The NBER Macrohistory Database is one of the best resources and clearinghouses on the internet for economics and economic history, but it requires a little hunting to locate information.
Carving of a black wolf's head

LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World

Initiated in 1995, this site has developed into an impressive array of primary and secondary resources on ancient Rome
Painting of a crowded medieval scene centering on a battle

Internet Medieval Sourcebook

The great advantage of this site is that primary sources have been assembled and categorized by a trained medievalist and active teacher, so that they are appropriate for a wide range of introductory history courses.
Mosaic of sumerian craftsmen working

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

the collection is arguably made more valuable and useful by its focus on a limited cultural and historical context and by its presentation of texts that are less well known and more difficult to locate.

Gorbachev Discusses the Impact of Western Goods in the Eastern Bloc

At a March 10, 1988, Politburo meeting, Mikhail Gorbachev (leader of the Soviet Union) delineated his concerns about the growing influence of Western goods on Eastern bloc countries.


Soviet Dissidents and the "Brain Drain"

In the beginning of 1989, Henry Kissinger met with Mikhail Gorbachev for an informal conversation about the future of U.S.-Soviet cooperation, particularly concerning economic opportunities in the Soviet Union. The problem for U.S.-Soviet trade was the Jackson-Vanik Amendment to the 1974 U.S.


President Bush Welcomes Vaclav Havel to the White House

In February 1990, the newly-elected president of Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel, became the first Czechoslovakian leader to visit Washington and meet with a US president.


The Continental System (1806)

Since 1793, the French government had carried out policies intended to ruin British commerce; it hoped in this way to eliminate or at least dampen the British will to join in and its ability to finance military coalitions against the French.