
Long Teaching Module: Gender and Health in Latin America, 1980-2010
Several decades have passed since the conclusion of what the United Nations addressed as the “Decade for Woman” (1975-1985). In many regions of the world, patriarchal relationships between men and women have been toned down, and hierarchies in gender roles have become less rigid.

National Security Archive: Sources on Europe
These materials help students discover that history does not follow a predetermined course, but is the result of decisions, any one of which could drastically alter history’s outcome.
Long Teaching Module: Cultural Contact in Southern Africa
The Portuguese explorer Bartholomew Diaz first saw the Cape of Good Hope—the southernmost point in Africa—in 1488. No attempt was made by a European nation to establish a permanent settlement there, however, until 1652, when the Dutch East India Company (VOC) set up a refreshment station.

Foreign Relations of the United States, Volume XVII: Near East, 1961-1962
These documents provide crucial historical evidence of the attitudes American diplomats and officials held toward the countries of the Middle East, as well as uncovering aspects of foreign relations from an American perspective at the height of the Cold War.
Long Teaching Module: Women in the Islamic World, 600-1600
From its inception in the early 7th century up to the present day, women have played a vital role in shaping Islamic history.

Sejarah Nusantara
The Sejarah Nusantara represents an invaluable digital archive for international researchers studying the history of Indonesia and maritime Southeast Asia.
Florilegium Urbanum
Inspired by the medieval concept of a textual anthology illuminating specific topics, Florilegium Urbanum allows the user to explore more than 200 short sources and excerpts from longer texts dealing with medieval English towns.
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World
Initiated in 1995, this site has developed into an impressive array of primary and secondary resources on ancient Rome
Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
The site is most valuable where it has gathered together extensive sources about a specific historical theme or event.