


Letter from Muhamet Kapllani to Hans-Dietrich Genscher (Tirana, 18 June 1991)

In this 1991 letter, written in formal diplomatic language, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Albania agrees to accept a mission to Albania from the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) (later the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe).


Women’s Reflections on Food Rationing in the 1980s

During a series of oral history interviews conducted in Braşov, Romania, during the summer of 2003, “S” and “M” discuss the various strategies they used to procure food and concoct meals for their families during the period of rationing in the 1980s.


Vacations under Socialism

In this oral history interview conducted in Braşov, Romania, during the summer of 2003, “E” discusses traveling under Socialism.


Declaration of Charter 77

In 1976, the Czech psychedelic rock band, the Plastic People of the Universe, were arrested and tried by the Czech Communist government. The government convicted the band for disturbing the peace, with the band members serving 8 to 18 month sentences.


Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences (SANU) Memorandum, 1986

Dobrica Ćosić is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and is considered by many to be its most influential member.


Price Increases in Eastern Europe with Special Regard to Hungary

One of the most significant differences between the functioning of the East European Communist economies and the mixed-market economies of the West was the way in which prices for goods and services were determined.


Transcript of the closed "trial" of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu, December, 1989

Elena and Nicolae Ceausescu fled from Bucharest by helicopter on December 22, but the pilot soon landed, claiming that they would be fired upon. The couple then hijacked a car but they were recognized, chased and caught by local police in Tirgoviste.


Letter of the Six, March 1989

In March of 1989, six prominent members of the Romanian Communist Party sent Nicolae Ceauşescu an open letter which was also leaked to the international press. In it they explicitly disagreed with his policies and suggested a number of reforms.


Long Teaching Module: Gender and Health in Latin America, 1980-2010

Several decades have passed since the conclusion of what the United Nations addressed as the “Decade for Woman” (1975-1985). In many regions of the world, patriarchal relationships between men and women have been toned down, and hierarchies in gender roles have become less rigid.

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National Security Archive: Sources on Europe

These materials help students discover that history does not follow a predetermined course, but is the result of decisions, any one of which could drastically alter history’s outcome.