

Circular medieval painting of a man raising his right arm

Res Obscura

Functioning primarily as the personal blog of historian Benjamin Breen, Res Obscura stays true to its by-line by being ‘a catalogue of obscure things’.
Black and white cat hissing on a gabled rooftop. This is a detail from Japanese printmaker Kōno Bairei.

Japanese Illustrated Books from the Edo and Meiji Periods

Spanning over three hundred years of Japanese book history, the collection includes famous Edo period (1603-1868) artists such as Andō Hiroshige (1797-1858) and Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849).

Iceland Saga Map

Ultimately, the purpose of this map is to encourage and aid new readings of the sagas.
Bronze sculpture of Shiva standing with a head dress.

The Half-Male, Half-Female Form of Shiva (Shiva Ardhanarishvara)

This sculpture is of Shiva, originally found in Kerala, southwestern India, shows the importance of religious symbols in Hinduism. Shiva is a major Hindu god who is associated with the opposing ideas of destruction and regeneration.

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Excerpt from the Memoirs of Ma Huan

This excerpt is from the memoir of Ma Huan (1380-1460), a Chinese Muslim voyager and translator, who accompanied Admiral Zheng He on three of his seven voyages.

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Excerpt from Ibn Battuta's Travels in Asia and Africa 1325-1354

This source comes from the travel book of Ibn Battuta (1304-1369), a Moroccan Berber scholar and explorer.

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Long Teaching Module: Trade and Religion in the Indian Ocean Network, 1100-1500

Global trade is a central aspect of the contemporary world, but trade was also important in pre-modern eras.

Map of Latin and South America showing bubbles indicating the number of resources in the database for each country

Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Resources

As a whole, the database serves the important goal of improving the accessibility of online libraries and archives. It provides a jumping off point for research into a variety of topics within Latin American history, and as it expands, its value will only increase
Thumbnail image of Glikl

Syllabus: Women and Gender in World History, 600-2000

The syllabus below lays out a 15-week course, beginning in the 6th century and continuing through the 20th century. It provides suggestions for how to use units and their various parts with your students, as some of the materials are student-facing, and others are instructor-facing.

A drawing of a building with a dome in the center

Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative

Perhaps most interesting and relevant for world history teachers and students are the modules that make connections across space and time.