
South America

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Gender and Health in Latin America: Committee Hearing, Sterilization (Peru)

Eugenics, defined as controlled human reproduction based on notions of desirable and undesirable populations or genotypes, have gained attention predominantly in the context of European fascist regimes that aimed at eliminating or controlling populations.

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Gender and Health in Latin America: Official Document, Women’s Status (Latin America)

The right to life is a basic prerequisite to definitions of the right to live a healthy life. However, because of violence against women and various other stringent challenges to their daily lives, neither women’s health nor their daily lives are fully secure.

thumbnail of Camila O'Gorman (1828-1848)

Camila O'Gorman

The story of Camila O'Gorman (1828-1848), the daughter of a prominent merchant in the Buenos Aires community, is one of the most famous cases of a young person challenging both parental and state authority.

Thumbnail of a painting of three women and a girl watching a patient being carried.

The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record

The images document the history of enslavement in West and West Central Africa, the English and French Caribbean, Brazil, and the United States.
Thumbnail image shows an ruins of an ancient temple with 6 tiers

A PreColumbian Portfolio: An Archive of Photographs

Each database record includes a caption, a brief (about 20-word) description, and information on the culture associated with the artifact, such as Maya, Olmec, or Zapotec.
Thumbnail image of Karl Marx

Marxists Internet Archive

Because the Archive offers such a wide-ranging set of sources from the Marxist tradition, students can be encouraged to explore cross-cultural comparisons.
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Benjamín Montes with Bourgan, Funge, and Company

Since 1810, social critics in Buenos Aires had long been concerned about young people from the lower classes—especially young men—exercising greater independence within the home.

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Handwriting Assignment, San Telmo Parish

In early 19th-century Argentina, political leaders considered schools to be one of the nation's most important institutions of social control and politicization. The following is an 1817 handwriting assignment from a public elementary school in the parish of San Telmo.

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Don Eduardo Brown v. Don Leonardo Brown

During the Rosas era, parents in Argentina grew increasingly concerned about the behavior of their children. Lawsuits throughout this turbulent period illustrate the disagreements between young people and their parents over marriage choice, property rights, and inheritance.

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Ignacia Funes and Teresa Bulnes to Manuel López

In Córdoba, Argentina's second largest province, two women, Ignacia Funes and Teresa Bulnes, found themselves defending the conduct of two children, who were accused by their stepfather, known only as "Roca," of composing pro-Unitarian songs.