
South America

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José Antonio Juárez, "Petition for Permission to Marry," May 15th, 1830, Children and Youth in History.

Children frequently turned to the courts in seeking greater independence from their parents, especially in matters related to marriage choice.

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Adolfo O'Gorman to Juan Manuel de Rosas

In 1847, at the height of Rosas's power, 19-year-old Camila O'Gorman, the daughter of a prominent merchant in the Buenos Aires community, and Ladislao Gutiérrez, a young Catholic priest, fell in love. On December 12, 1847, they eloped and fled the city.

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Ferreyra Sons v. Pedro Sueldo

After the Rosas regime ended in 1852, hundreds of families throughout Argentina hoped to make claims on property and wealth that had been taken away from them during the Rosas years. However, many heads of these families were elderly or deceased.

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How the Aztec (Nahua) Raised Sons as Warriors

Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún recorded this text in the mid-16th century as part of an effort to gather information about native Aztec history and customs. Sahagún went to Mexico in 1529 as one of the first missionaries assigned to the newly conquered territory of New Spain.

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Advice of an Aztec Father to His Sons

Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún recorded this text in the mid-16th century as part of an effort to gather information about native Aztec history and customs. Sahagún went to Mexico in 1529 as one of the first missionaries assigned to the newly conquered territory of New Spain.

Title page of Camila O'Gorman

"To the Spirits of Camila O'Gorman"

The story of Camila O'Gorman (1828-1848), the daughter of a prominent merchant in the Buenos Aires community, is one of the most famous cases of a young person challenging both parental and state authority.

Video still image of child carrying fruit from Peruvian Youth Center for Child Laborers

Peruvian Youth Center for Child Laborers

The photographs of a twelve-year-old Peruvian fruit market porter named Jonathan are from a video produced by the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), a trade union organization affiliated with the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Chart of School Population in Buenos Aires, Argentina image thumbnail

School Population in Buenos Aires, Argentina

This chart demonstrates the fluctuating attendance rates of school aged children in a select number of schools in Buenos Aires between 1815 and 1831. This is not a complete list of the port city’s schools; it represents schools that maintained the most complete attendance records.

Ona Family Group of Tierra del Fuego image thumbnail

Ona Family Group of Tierra del Fuego

Father Alberto Maria De Agostini, a missionary, took this postcard image on Isla Grande, Tierra del Fuego, on the southernmost tip of South America. The photograph, taken circa 1930, shows a man, woman, and two children walking through a clearing surrounded by thickets.

Thumbnail image of Postcard of Women and Girls with Cradleboard in Chile

Postcard of Women and Girls with Cradleboard, Temuco, Chile

This postcard, from the early 20th century, shows a group of women and children, most likely belonging to the Mapuche people. The Mapuche occupied a large area in the cone of South America, the territory of the current nations of Chile and Argentina.