South America

Christopher Columbus monument removal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Monument to Christopher Columbus (1451?-1506), located in a plaza in front of the Casa Rosada government palace, was inaugurated in 1921.

Christopher Columbus monument, Buenos Aires, Argentina
The Monument to Christopher Columbus (1451?-1506), located in a plaza in front of the Casa Rosada government palace, was inaugurated in 1921.

Short Teaching Module: European Maps of the Early Modern World
I use images of three historical maps for topics on colonial exploration and for interpreting historical evidence in undergraduate courses on history and historical methodology. I have several aims in using the maps.

Cantino planisphere
The famous Cantino planisphere was made in 1502 by an anonymous Portuguese official at the request of Alberto Cantino, an Italian agent in Lisbon of Ercole d’Este, Duke of Ferrara.

World History for Us All
Its units and lesson plans utilize a range of primary sources, which revolve around three themes are: Humans and the Environment, Humans and Other Humans, Humans and Ideas.
Archivo Histórico de Revistas Argentinas
AHIRA is a wonderful tool for teaching purposes. In any class related to Latin American studies, students will be able to do research on a number of issues related to Argentine culture.
People with a History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History
In essence then this is an excellent site to find additional materials with some caveats: some links are now dead, in other ways this site is dated, and other parts – such as the section on images – are still empty. Still the materials that this site provides educators with great resources and
Slave Societies Digital Archive
By giving endangered historical records a permanent (digital) home, it plays an invaluable role in ensuring that the lives and stories of millions of African men, women, and children who suffered the indignities of the Atlantic slave trade will not be lost to the ravages of time.
Logan Museum of Anthropology
With almost 5000 items digitised at the moment and more to come in the near future, this will definitely be a useful site to keep an eye on.