Florilegium Urbanum
Inspired by the medieval concept of a textual anthology illuminating specific topics, Florilegium Urbanum allows the user to explore more than 200 short sources and excerpts from longer texts dealing with medieval English towns.Review
NBER Macrohistory Database
The NBER Macrohistory Database is one of the best resources and clearinghouses on the internet for economics and economic history, but it requires a little hunting to locate information.Review
Broadside Ballads Online
This website highlights 16th-, 17th-, and 18th-century broadside ballads. These were popular songs (frequently with lavish woodcut illustrations) sold at a relatively affordable price and widely circulated.Review
Fine Arts in Hungary
A handy feature of this site is the Guided Tours, designed to help users 'discover the territory of Hungarian fine arts.'Review
COLLAGE The London Picture Archive
Reproductions of paintings, watercolors, drawings, and sculptures provide more than a glimpse into the history of London and London life from the 15th century to the present.Review
LacusCurtius: Into the Roman World
Initiated in 1995, this site has developed into an impressive array of primary and secondary resources on ancient RomeReview
Avalon Project: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
The site is most valuable where it has gathered together extensive sources about a specific historical theme or event.Review
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
The great advantage of this site is that primary sources have been assembled and categorized by a trained medievalist and active teacher, so that they are appropriate for a wide range of introductory history courses.Review
Vindolanda Tablets Online
This website offers a complete archive of the tablets including text images, transliterated texts, English translations, historical and archaeological background, and student exercises.Review