
Health/ Disease

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Gender and Health in Latin America: Committee Hearing, Sterilization (Peru)

Eugenics, defined as controlled human reproduction based on notions of desirable and undesirable populations or genotypes, have gained attention predominantly in the context of European fascist regimes that aimed at eliminating or controlling populations.

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Gender and Health in Latin America: Official Document, Women’s Status (Latin America)

The right to life is a basic prerequisite to definitions of the right to live a healthy life. However, because of violence against women and various other stringent challenges to their daily lives, neither women’s health nor their daily lives are fully secure.

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Childhood Obesity in the United States

The map, issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), shows the percentages of substantially overweight, or obese, low-income children by county and in territories and tribal organizations where Native Americans live. The problem extends to both urban and rural populations.

Photo of a woman with writing in the background

African American Women Writers of the 19th Century

Students might examine how the inclusion of African American women's perspectives alters more standardized narratives of American history.

Article from the Encyclopedia: "Woman"

The article "Woman" was written by four contributors who considered the question from four angles: medicine and the history of opinions about women’s nature; writings about women’s place in the state and marriage; the social differences between men and women; and women’s legal status in different

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Jewish Women's Archive

The Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA), a national non-profit organization, seeks to collect and promote the 'extraordinary stories of Jewish women.'
Thumbnail of a photo of women working in a factoryThere is also a great deal of material on the foundation of female education and on the women’s suffrage movement.

Canadian Women's History

There is also a great deal of material on the foundation of female education and on the women’s suffrage movement.
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Emory Women Writers Resource Project

The subjects covered are diverse and include commentaries on such topics as nature, native-white relations, emancipation, imperialism, social and sexual mores, wet nursing, Christianity, and women’s suffrage.
Painting thumbnail of a man and his cows in the countryside

Louisa's World

[Instructors] might invite students to reconstruct Collins’s expectations and attitudes towards various topics, tracing perspectives that she noted as exceptional.
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New York Public Library Digital Collections

The NYPL Digital Collection provides access to over 755,000 images digitized from primary sources and printed rarities, including illuminated manuscripts, vintage posters, illustrated books, and printed ephemera.