

Title page of The Ancient History of the Maori

The Ancient History of the Maori

In this excerpt, an adult Horeta Te Taniwha recounts childhood memories of a cultural encounter with Europeans for a Pakeha researcher.

Title page of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

The book-length narrative, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861), chronicles the experiences of Harriet Jacobs who was born a slave in Edenton, North Carolina, in 1813.

Title page of Camila O'Gorman

"To the Spirits of Camila O'Gorman"

The story of Camila O'Gorman (1828-1848), the daughter of a prominent merchant in the Buenos Aires community, is one of the most famous cases of a young person challenging both parental and state authority.

Title page of Noticias de Portugal

Noticias de Portugal

Suggestion for handling orphans, devised in 1655 by Manoel Severim de Faria, an official for the bishop of Evora in Portugal. Here Severim de Faria speaks about the role orphaned children could and should play in the Portuguese empire.

Brothers Grimm cover

"How Some Children Played at Slaughtering"

The pioneering collection of fairy tales published by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the first half of the 19th century reflects both the romantic interest in the national past—that is, in the cultural origins and "childhood" of the German people—and the burgeoning efforts to create a literature tail

Book of Children by Thomas Phaer

Boke of Chyldren by Thomas Phaer

Phaer was a lawyer and a physician who wrote the first work in English devoted solely to the health of children. It was first published in 1544 and went through many editions. The audience for the book according to Phaer was everyone who cared about children.

Title page of Observationes Medicae

"On Scarlet Fever"

There are many fevers listed as the cause of death in early modern England that do not translate well into modern diseases (worm, spotted, pining, nervous) but scarlet fever is still with us. The Puritan Dr.

Title page of Letters of the Right Honourable Lady

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu on Small Pox in Turkey

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762) was the wife of the British Ambassador to Turkey. In 1715 she had survived but been terribly scarred by smallpox while her brother had died from the disease.

Title page of the Decameron


Giovanni Boccaccio provided the most famous description of what happened during the Black Death in Italy.

Page from Three-Character Classic

Three-Character Classic

The famous Three-Character Classic, a children's primer attributed to Wang Yin-lin (1223-1296) whose text consists of rhymed verse developed to help children increase their vocabulary in Chinese characters, provides a valuable introduction to the social values that children were encouraged to emb