North/Central America

A Continent Divided: The U.S. - Mexico War
The UT Arlington Library's Special Collection is considered amongst the most comprehensive repositories on the U.S. - Mexico war, containing broadsides, sheet music, manuscripts, maps and graphic materials from both U.S. and Mexican sources.
National WWI Museum and Memorial
Due to the immense amount of resources, we advise educators to enter the databases with an idea of what they want rather than attempting to browse.
Academy Museum
Though the Academy is an American organization, the film industry has long been international as people from across the world work on American films and American films are distributed globally. Additionally, the Academy instituted an award for Best Internation
World Heritage Site Map
The most well-known part of their work is the naming and administration of World Heritage Sites.
New Netherland Institute
Due to New Netherland’s intersection across several themes such as globalism, Indigenous contact, enslavement history, transatlantic trade, imperialism, religion, it may be a useful case study for educators wishing to teach students about 17th-century Europea
William J. Clinton Presidential Library and Museum
Overall, we found that though the Clinton Library offers a few lesson plans pertinent to global history, these are a bit underdeveloped and educators wishing to use them should strongly consider using supplemental materials
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Among the student resources, teacher resources, and source databases, users will have access to materials with which they can discuss practically everything that happened in the world during Truman’s life (1883-1973) and even some things outside that time fram
Minecraft Education
Because Minecraft offers such a wide variety of sources and topics, it can be incredibly helpful to teachers. However, because game-based play poses particular risks, such as the possibility that students will not learn and only focus on playing.