

Cover of A Tale of Two Cities

Dickens, Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens’s (1812–70) novels generally appeared in serial form in popular newspapers.

Image of Victor Hugo

Hugo, Ninety–Three

Victor Hugo (1802–85) was an ardent republican and defender of the revolutionary legacy who went into exile during the Second Empire (1852–70). He lived long enough to become an icon of the Third Republic.

Thumbnail of engraving

Image of the King at the Festival of Federation

Having lived through a tumultuous year, France’s political leaders, new and old, perceived the need to foster a sense of unity among the people.

Thumbnail of engraving

Watch Yourself or You'll be a Product for Sale

The women in this image appear to be tempted to a life of prostitution. The female figure in the left foreground gestures toward the door but remains modestly attired. Once inside, the women are there for the pleasure of men and wear revealing or little clothing.

Thumbnail of painting

The Fatherland in Danger

This painting of the period by Gillaume Guillon Lethière shows the emotion caused by the prospect of loved ones departing for the army. Women had to part with their families in order to support the nation in its time of need. Notice the female statue overlooking the scene.

Thumbnail of Redesigned revolutionary pack of cards

Game of the Great Men, Minot the Elder

Revolutionaries redesigned playing cards in order to eliminate references to royalty (kings, queens, jacks) and replace them with great men and abstract virtues.


Scenes from Andrzej Wajda’s film, Man of Iron (1981)

Filmed just after Solidarity’s initial spectacular rise in 1980, Andrzej Wajda’s Man of Iron was won immediate global acclaim.


Traditional Soviet Values for Children

Soviet propaganda posters presented positive images of healthy, active people engaged in useful service to the state, including children. This Soviet poster from 1953 was typical of this image.


Photographs of the St. Stanisław Kostka Church in Warsaw

Father Jerzy Popiełuszko was one of the most vocal priests involved in the Solidarity movement in the early 1980s.


Photographs from the Papal Visit of 1987

From June 8-14, 1987, Pope John Paul II made his third "pilgrimage" to his homeland (he had already visited in 1979 and 1983).