Primary Source

Advertisement for the Auction of the Ann’s Cargo, 1827

Ad for auction of ship's cargo. Description in annotation.


This flyer advertises the Ann’s 1827 arrival in Salem, Massachusetts, after making one of the first American trips to Zanzibar. The Ann’s cargo included goods that were likely procured on the island, such as ivory and gum copal, alongside wares from the Arabian Peninsula like coffee, dates, frankincense, and myrrh.  While Zanzibar became the most important stop for Americans in the Western Indian Ocean by the 1840s, American merchants continued to visit a variety of other ports in East Africa and Arabia, especially in Madagascar and Yemen. This flyer hints at some of the many complicated decisions merchants made to maximize their profits. A few commodities, such as hides, coffee, ivory, and dates, dominate the cargo, suggesting that they could be bought and transported in bulk and were likely to sell at a profit. Alongside smaller amounts of luxury items, such as myrrh and ostrich feathers, the Ann also carried a relatively limited supply of gum copal, which soon became a sought after East African commodity. Cloves, Zanzibar leading export, are entirely missing, depicting the island’s limited influence on American trade during the 1820s.

This source is part of the teaching module on American and Zanzibari trade in the 19th century


Cargo of Brig Ann.


Of the Cargo of the Brig Ann, Capt. Millet

From Mocha and Zanzibar, to be sold at public auction, at Derby Wharf, Salem

Thursday, May 24, at 11 o'clock

Conditions - Notes with approved endorsers, payable in four months or 2 per cent. Discount for cash. Less than 100 dollars cash.

The goods to be weighed even beam, with allowance of half per cent. scalage, and tare as set down in the Catalogue

Should any package be found damaged, it may be passed by, in the delivery, unless the parties can agree on a suitable allowance to be made for the damage. No claim to be made for damage, or allowance on weight, after the goods delivered.

275 bags dates, tare 9 per cent

14 bags do. Adventures, tare 9 per cent

1 box Ostrich feathers

A lot of Pearl shells

4 boxes Turtle Shell, actual tare

15 bales Senna, tare 7lb per bale

37 bales Frankincence, tare 7lb per bale 

2 boxes and 1 bag beeswax, marked tare

19 bales Gum Arabic, 

Cargo of Brig Ann.


Of the Cargo of the Brig Ann, Capt. Millet

From Mocha and Zanzibar, to be sold at public auction, at Derby Wharf, Salem

Thursday, May 24, at 11 o'clock

Conditions - Notes with approved 

25 boxes Gum Copal, tare 50lb per box

3 do do do adventures, marked tare

7558 Bullock Hides

17000 Goat Skins

A lot of damaged Goat Skins

463 bales Mocha Coffe, custom house tare

16 bales of do do adventures

231 small bales do    custom house tare

34 do do do     adventures

244 large Elephant's Teeth

7 do do do adventures

1182 pounds Scrivollos do do

Where the purchaser only takes part of the lot, the delivery will commence with the lowest numbers. The goods to be delivered as soon as they can be weighed. 

Salem, May 23                                                  George Nichols, Auct. 


Michael Shepard Papers, B1 F1, MH 23, Peabody Essex Museum

How to Cite This Source

"Advertisement for the Auction of the Ann’s Cargo, 1827," in World History Commons, [accessed February 13, 2025]