
Modern (1800 CE - 1950 CE)

Creeping Baby Doll Patent thumbnail image

Creeping Baby Doll Patent

Strongly influencing the invention of Robert J. Clay's mechanized "Creeping Baby Doll" in 1871, were changing notions of childhood that fostered children's development.

Little Eva, The Flower of the South cover thumbnail image

Little Eva, The Flower of the South

Published around 1853, Little Eva, The Flower of the South is an anonymously written children's story based on Eva, the enormously popular character in Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852).

Italian Mother and Baby photograph thumbnail image

Italian Mother and Baby

"Italian Mother and Baby" appeared in Jacob Riis's How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York (1890). This image captures the misery of urban poverty as well as the tenacity of life. It is infused with unmistakable sentimentalism and symbolism.

Girls Making Snowman painting thumbnail

Girls Making Snowman

Motivated by wartime hysteria and racial sentiments following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 that ordered the removal of Japanese Americans on the West Coast to internment camps in the interior.

Piegan Play Tipi image thumbnail

Piegan Play Tipi

The photograph, dated 1928, from the well-known ethnographic collection The North American Indian by Edward Edward S. Curtis, is a portrait of a young Piegan girl standing in front of a painted tipi, or conical tent.

Thumbnail image of Postcard of Women and Girls with Cradleboard in Chile

Postcard of Women and Girls with Cradleboard, Temuco, Chile

This postcard, from the early 20th century, shows a group of women and children, most likely belonging to the Mapuche people. The Mapuche occupied a large area in the cone of South America, the territory of the current nations of Chile and Argentina.

Thumbnail image of illustration of measles

Rubeola Vulgaris - Measles

Robert Willan (1757-1812) was a physician who practiced in London. Like Sydenham he was fascinated by the relation of weather to epidemics and kept strict records on when they occurred over several years.

Age of Menarche in Norway chart thumbnail image

Age of Menarche in Norway

This graph shows us the average year of menarche, a female's first menstrual cycle (often considered the beginning of puberty), from 1860 to 1980 reported by adult female patients at maternity clinics in Norway.

Terakoya vs. Meiji School thumbnail image

Terakoya vs. Meiji School

Contrary to impression left by document #2, schools for commoners were plentiful prior to the Meiji Restoration in 1868.


Claude Antoine Rozet Paintings

One of the first tasks undertaken by the French military after the 1830 invasion was to visually depict, and thus classify, places, things, and people so as to rule more effectively. This is a pattern seen in all modern colonial regimes worldwide.