Modern (1800 CE - 1950 CE)
Solemn Inauguration of the Statue of Liberty
Toned down and transformed from her revolutionary past, the Statue stands for liberty, even without a pike and a Phrygian cap.
The Marseillaise
A similar emphasis on patriotic unity can be seen in Jean Renoir’s film, La Marseillaise (1938). The movie tells the story of France’s national anthem, composed by Rouget de Lisle as a way to rally the troops. The song, written for soldiers from Marseillaise, soon inspired the entire nation.
Map of Europe in 1812
A map of Europe in 1812 depicting French territory, French dependencies, and territories allied to Napoleonic France.
This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.
Map of Europe in 1815
A map of Europe in 1815 depicting Napoleonic France, Prussia, the Austrian Empire, and the boundary of the Germanic Confederation.
The Moscow Campaign 1812
Map depicting Napoleon's 1812 Russia campaign.
This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.
Robespierre 10 Thermidor—Exposition of 1877
This painting from 1877 shows in romantic style Robespierre dying in a large room, surrounded by soldiers and others.
The Annoyance of Walking
French nobles had been used to riding in carriages or on horseback. Now, so radicals hoped, they could no longer afford to do so either financially or politically. The imagined response of this social elite reveals clearly to their attackers the worthlessness of such people.
The Cap Français Fire
In June 1793, the French governor of Saint Domingue, Thomas–François Galbaud, tried to raise a revolt of the whites against republican commissioners sent from France. To defeat him, the commissioners promised freedom to the slaves who would fight on their behalf.
Making Peace with the Catholic Church, 1801–2
One of Napoleon’s first priorities was to reestablish good relations with the papacy, which had fought the revolutionary church settlement tooth and nail.
Bonaparte and Islam
Bonaparte’s secretary describes the religious practices, attitudes, and views of Bonaparte with regard to Islam.