
Modern (1800 CE - 1950 CE)



With a catalogue containing sixty million pages of material spanning the seventeenth to twentieth centuries, scholars and educators will have no shortage of material to consult on every aspect of Canada’s past.

Slave Societies Digital Archive

By giving endangered historical records a permanent (digital) home, it plays an invaluable role in ensuring that the lives and stories of millions of African men, women, and children who suffered the indignities of the Atlantic slave trade will not be lost to the ravages of time.
Poster for a play called 'Battle Hymn', depicting the red outline of abolitionist John Brown and a blue flag

Beyond the Bubble

Beyond the Bubble is a fantastic initiative that provides educators with an array of thoughtful and easily implementable history assessments.
Image of a bird formed from blue, green, and red beads.

Logan Museum of Anthropology

With almost 5000 items digitised at the moment and more to come in the near future, this will definitely be a useful site to keep an eye on.
Digital recreation of a gulag

The Gulag Online Museum

This is indeed a worthwhile site for educators who are interested in searching for labor camps that were used as part of the Soviet Union and its allies.
Screenshot of Visualizing Culture's content grid

Visualizing Cultures

Its careful and intentional promotion of image-centered learning helps provide a model of how to study history and cultures through prints, pictures, and paintings of the past.
Imágenes y relatos homepage detail

Imágenes y relatos de un viaje por Colombia

The experience of exploring the manuscript is enriched by an impressive array of visual accompaniments and multimedia resources such as maps, image galleries, infographics, animations, and audios.

Huun-Huur-Tu Throat Singers

Huun-Huur-Tu is a musical group from Tuva, which is situated along the Mongolia-Russia border, that is known for their traditional throat singing.


Javanese Shadow Puppets

Music and dramatized storytelling are the tools of memory in places like the Indonesian island of Java. Here, a traditional Wayang, or Javanese, performance depicts Hindu epics or popular cultural legends through the use of leather puppets whose shadow is cast upon a thin fabric.


Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie

Although it is important to take into account an artist's intentions and hopes for new music, it is equally important to realize that music is often appropriated - meaning that it is used by others in ways that the artist did not intend.