

The Day after Waterloo painting

The Day after Waterloo

Thousands died or were wounded in the fighting that began 15 June and ended at a series of farmhouses at Waterloo on 18 June 1815.

The Marseillaise

The Marseillaise

A similar emphasis on patriotic unity can be seen in Jean Renoir’s film, La Marseillaise (1938). The movie tells the story of France’s national anthem, composed by Rouget de Lisle as a way to rally the troops. The song, written for soldiers from Marseillaise, soon inspired the entire nation.

Napoleon in Italy 1796-97

Napoleon in Italy 1796-97

Map depicting Napoleon's campaigns in Italy, 1796-97.

This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.

Map of Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign

Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign

Map depicting Napoleon's Egyptian campaigns.

This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.

The Moscow Campaign 1812

The Moscow Campaign 1812

Map depicting Napoleon's 1812 Russia campaign.

This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.

The Battle of Waterloo as Seen by an Ordinary British Cavalryman

The Battle of Waterloo as Seen by an Ordinary British Cavalryman

At the Battle of Waterloo, Dickson (1789–1880) was a corporal in a Scottish cavalry troop. He had enlisted in 1807. His reminiscences of the battle were written down by relatives years later.

Debris of the French Army Returning to the Fatherland

Debris of the French Army Returning to the Fatherland

Here, as in other critical images, reversal plays an important role. Proud soldiers have given way to a bedraggled collection of men, far removed from their former glory.

Chart of Arms Reduction in Eastern Europe

Arms Reduction in Eastern Europe

Once in power, Mikhail Gorbachev began a reform process that followed two paths: perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost' (openness).

Facial Recognition Manual

Facial Recognition Manual

If they wanted to keep out spies, security personnel on both sides of the Berlin Wall had to become sophisticated readers of facial features.

Thumbnail of death of Robespierre

Robespierre 10 Thermidor—Exposition of 1877

This painting from 1877 shows in romantic style Robespierre dying in a large room, surrounded by soldiers and others.