Primary Source

Battle For and Taking of Ratisbon, April 23, 1809

Battle For and Taking of Ratisbon


The general peace agreement lasted a scant two years after the treaty of 1801. Although unable to seriously threaten an occupation of the British Isles, Napoleon was very successful on the continent, launching major wars into Austria, Prussia, Spain, and Italy until overreaching into Russia in 1812. The attack on Ratisbon was a key part of a struggle against Austria. Although defeated before, the Austrians bridled at this loss and renewed hostilities, but Napoleon prevailed again. Although this was not his most decisive victory, it represented the continuation of a long series of successful campaigns against his opponents.

This source is a part of the The Napoleonic Experience teaching module.


Title (French)
Combat et Prise de Ratisbonne. 23 Avril 1809


Adam (engraver)
Loeillot (drawing)
Thevenin (painter)
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"Battle For and Taking of Ratisbon, April 23, 1809," in World History Commons, [accessed March 11, 2025]