
Witches is well-conceived and equally well-presented project that takes our understanding of Scottish witchcraft one step further
Excerpt from letter by Lady Mary Wortley
Travel writing by women can reveal a number of themes in world history. One useful example are the letters written by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1786) who worked as a missionary in Turkey.

Primer: Gender in World History
Gender history developed in the 1980s out of women’s history, when historians familiar with studying women increasingly began to discuss the ways in which systems of sexual differentiation affected both women and men.

LSE Digital Library
The LSE Digital Library is an important and valuable archive chronicling not just the history of a storied institution but also British and global history more broadly.
The Digitally Encoded Census Information and Mapping Archive
[DECIMA] highlights the power and knowledge inherent in census-taking and points the way to new understandings and methods of extracting and using information from one of the longest-lasting and most prolific tools of statecraft ever developed.
People with a History: An Online Guide to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Trans* History
In essence then this is an excellent site to find additional materials with some caveats: some links are now dead, in other ways this site is dated, and other parts – such as the section on images – are still empty. Still the materials that this site provides educators with great resources andReview
New York Public Library’s Digital Collection
On visitors can browse the Library’s immense collections, download e-books, and view more than 700,000 items from our award-winning Digital Collections.” It contains “900,207 items and counting.
Global Medieval Sourcebook
A constantly growing depository of medieval texts from 600 to 1600 CE, the GMS—already a valuable resource for medieval historians—will only become more important over time as the digital turn further entrenches itself into the humanities.
Beyond the Bubble
Beyond the Bubble is a fantastic initiative that provides educators with an array of thoughtful and easily implementable history assessments.