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Chinggis Khan on his father Yesügei

This comment of Chinggis Khan about his father appears in the learned official Rashid al-Din’s Compendium of Chronicles, finished about 1310, so it was probably first handed down orally.

Posada Broadsheet

Analyzing Newspapers

A newspaper is a publication intended for a broad audience that appears regularly, often daily, and claims to contain factual accounts of recent events. Usually newspapers are published with the intention of making a profit.

“Mexican Officials Kick On Women in Knickers, Do not allow Oklahoma Tourists to Enter Mexico in Plus Fours," Mexico City, 14 July 1924

Mexican Newspaper Reports on American Women Crossing the Border

This story appeared in the two-page daily English-language supplement to El Universal, Mexico City’s most authoritative newspaper at the time. The story told of Mexican officials refusing entry to a group of women from the United States who made repeated attempts to get into the country.

Scroll frontispiece

Online Museum Educational Resources in Asian Art

The OMuERAA connects with more than one hundred museums, making a rich array of educational materials available to students and instructors 
Image of the newspaper article. Description in annotation.

Short Teaching Module: Race, Gender, and Transnational Histories of Solidarity

Studying transnational histories of solidarity among women of African descent reveals new dimensions of global political and social movements through the intersection of race and gender.

Image of the letter. Description in annotation.

Letter to Council Women

In a 1960 letter, fourth national president of the National Council of Negro Women Dorothy Height reports back to the Council on her trip to Sierra Leone.

Image of the newspaper article. Description in annotation.

“Tell Negroes To Join With Other Peoples Of The World”

An article in the Alabama Tribune reported on the visit of two West African women leaders, Mabel Dove from Ghana and Carmela Renner from Sierra Leone. The women leaders were hosted by the Norfolk chapter of the National Council of Negro Women.

Black and white photograph of six school girls

Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran

One of the key features of the website are the digital collections related to women’s lives during the Qajar period with sources and collections from both private family collections as well as archival holdings.
Vintage illustration of a woman plucking fruit, with the words Works for Victory, 1945 below in italicised font

Historic Government Publications from World War II

Easy to use, chockful of useful content, and easy to access even when offline, Historic Government Publications from World War II shows that repositories do not need to be overly complicated to achieve good things.
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Poem by Qiu Jin, Chinese feminist

While the discussion surrounding the Chinese practice of footbinding often focuses on the writings of western missionaries, the example of Qiu Jin, a Chinese feminist and poet, demonstrates that the practice was criticized by Chinese individuals as well.