Primary Source

Economic Declaration of Nonaligned Countries


This document is part of the economic declaration of the Fourth Nonaligned Movement (NAM) conference in 1973 in Algiers, Algeria. Nonaligned countries noted that détente was a positive development in international relations, but it did not solve their developmental problems. The declaration condemned imperialism as the greatest danger for political and economic independence of nonaligned countries.

This source is part of the Nonaligned Movement and Cold War Détente teaching module.




The Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries made a detailed review of the development of economic and social conditions in developing countries in the world context prevailing since the Lusaka Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, the preparation for the multilateral trade negotiations, the reform of the monetary system and the important on the Human Environment, the preparation for the multilateral trade negotiations, the reform of the monetary system and the important Conference of the Foreign Ministers of Non-Aligned Countries held at Georgetown. 


They noted that the trend in the international situation towards detente, for which the non-aligned countries have always striven and which is a positive factor for the strengthening of peace in some parts of the world, has had little appreciable effect on the development of the developing countries and on international co-operation. The Heads of State or Government therefore consider that the increasing trend towards closer economic relations between developed countries should in no way adversely affect the basic interests of developing countries. 

I The struggle against imperialism

The Heads of State or Government of Non-Aligned Countries noted that imperialism is still the greatest obstacle to the emancipation and progress of the developing countries which are struggling to achieve levels of living compatible with the most basic standards of well-being and human dignity. Imperialism not only hampers economic and social progress of developing countries but also adopts an aggressive attitude towards those who oppose its plans, trying to impose upon them political, social and economic structures which encourage alien domination, dependence and Neo-colonialism. 



Economic Declaration. Fourth Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-aligned Countries, Algiers, September 5–9, 1973.

How to Cite This Source

"Economic Declaration of Nonaligned Countries," in World History Commons, [accessed March 11, 2025]