
Short Teaching Module: East Asian Developmental States in Global History
The essay examines the concept of the “developmental state” in East Asia, tracing its evolution and application across both capitalist and socialist regimes of the twentieth century.

Showa Steelworks in Anshan (Northeast China)
Showa Steelworks, initially established as Anshan Ironworks in 1917, was located in Anshan, Liaoning Province, Northeast China, historically known as Manchuria.

Weng Wenhao
Weng Wenhao (翁文灏, 1889-1971) was a distinguished Chinese geologist, politician, and educator who played a crucial role in shaping China's developmental state during the 20th century.

Teaching LGBTQ History
Teaching LGBTQ History is an organized and quality social-justice oriented educational resource that provides a wide diversity of adaptable lesson plans and connection to outside community-based and digital online resources.
Girl Museum
The Girl Museum makes important interventions by placing girlhood more squarely into the teaching of history, literature, culture, and arts on a global scale.
Archives Portal Europe
This website presents records from dozens of countries, in over 20 languages, and from around 7000 diverse archival institutions total including the national archives of dozens of countries and other smaller institutions.
A Continent Divided: The U.S. - Mexico War
The UT Arlington Library's Special Collection is considered amongst the most comprehensive repositories on the U.S. - Mexico war, containing broadsides, sheet music, manuscripts, maps and graphic materials from both U.S. and Mexican sources.
Lord Ismay Notice Regarding Indian Partition
The Partition of India was one of the most difficult, tension-filled political events of the twentieth century, causing millions of people to migrate within the Indian subcontin

National WWI Museum and Memorial
Due to the immense amount of resources, we advise educators to enter the databases with an idea of what they want rather than attempting to browse.