Community College Video Guides

Working with expert teacher-scholars, World History Commons has developed the following video guides with advice on how to use World History Commons to engage students particularly in community college settings.

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Summary: World History Commons Introductory Video - Introduction the resources and content of World History Commons. 

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Summary: Women and Gender in World History Syllabus - Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee talks about how World History Commons could be included in a syllabus on women and gender in world history. 

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Summary: Supplementing Courses using Free Resources 1 - Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee discusses how best to use World History Commons as a supplemental tool for world history courses - highlighting the specific collections that WHC is strongest in.

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Summary: Teaching Women in the Islamic World, 600-1600 - Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee shows how the sources on World History Commons can be used to teach a women and world history course with a specific lesson on women in the Islamic World. 

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Summary: Teaching Gender, Health, and Reproduction in Latin America, 1980-2010 - Professor Merry Wiesner-Hanks from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee discusses the ways she uses the teaching module on Gender and Health in Latin America from World History commons in her course on women and gender in world history. 

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Summary: Supplementing World History Textbooks - Professor Monica Ketchum at Arizona Western College talks about the ways the many sources on World History Commons can be used to supplement history textbooks. 

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Summary: Beyond Survey Courses - Professor Monica Ketchum at Arizona Western College discusses the ways in which the sources and lesson plans on World History Commons can be used in more than just history survey courses but could extend to classes of any level for history, political science, and geography. 

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Video Summary: Global Perspectives for Students - Professor Monica Ketchum at Arizona Western College talks about her experience of internationalizing the community college curriculum and the ways that World History Commons can help in that effort of broadening students' horizons. 

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Summary: Organizing Learning Materials - Professor Monica Ketchum at Arizona Western College discusses strategies for digitally organizing learning materials in ways that make them easily accessible for students. 

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Summary: Navigating to Find Primary Sources - Professor Jack Norton at Normandale Community College discusses methods of how to find primary sources in World History Commons. 

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Summary: Finding Specific Sources - Professor Jack Norton at Normandale Community College shows how to search World History Commons for precise sources that teachers or students already know they want to use. 

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Summary: Finding Secondary Sources 1 - Professor Jack Norton at Normandale Community College shows how to use World History Commons to find secondary sources for classroom use. 

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Summary: Organizing Learning Materials 2 - Professor Jack Norton at Normandale Community College shows how to link World History Commons with learning management systems. 

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Summary: Creative Commons and Adapting Resources - Professor Jack Norton at Normandale Community College talks about how World History Commons can be paired with other learning resources if you can't find exactly what you're looking for. 

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Summary: Teaching World History through Revolutions - Professor Tom Rushford at Northern Virginia Community College talks about how to teach world history using the unifying theme of revolutions. 

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Summary: Engaging Students with Primary Sources - Professor Tom Rushford at Northern Virginia Community College discusses different ways to use the sources on World History Commons in the classroom to foster student engagement. 

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Summary: Making Connections with a Thematic Approach - Professor Tom Rushford at Northern Virginia Community College discusses ways to help students make connections across world history by focusing on a single theme, like revolutions. 

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Summary: Teaching World History with Material Objects - An overview of the benefits of introducing world history students to objects as sources.

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Summary: Integrating World History Commons into your LMS - Tips for using World History Commons with your Learning Management System. Canvas is used for this demonstration, but the same approach works for other platforms.

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Summary: Finding Sources for World History Projects - A guide for students looking for primary and secondary sources for world history projects.