Website Review

Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center

Yad Vashem

The museum Yad Vashem is one of the foremost research centers for holocaust studies in the world. Some of the most important museum resources are now available on this website and many materials are available through its various digital collections.

The site hosts an extensive digital collection for educators and researchers featuring a rich variety of images and documents related to the Holocaust. The site also has online exhibits and video lectures providing a historical overview of events that may be useful to teachers. A separate section of digital exhibit include resources on more focused topics such as The Auschwitz Album, Photographs from the Warsaw Ghetto, The Pen and the Sword, and Children in the Holocaust. Each exhibit features a brief introduction, a collection of annotated sources, and menu options to sort those sources by sub-themes.

Children in the Holocaust provides an overview and the sub-themes that include: "Personal Items"; "Toys, Game, Books"; "Art"; "Diaries and Albums"; "Letters and Postcard"; "School" and "Video." Each sub-theme features selections of Yad Vashem's fascinating collection, from handmade dolls and children's drawings to hand-carved chess sets to a game of Monopoly, handmade in the Theresienstadt ghetto in 1943. (The stations in the game were named after the streets and the main buildings in the ghetto.)

For the classroom teacher, the Yad Vashem website could used as a source for images or facts about the holocaust era or as a resource for research projects. The site also has an extensive section on Education & E-Learning mostly geared to K-12 teachers. The section includes lesson plans, free online courses, educational videos, and a guide teaching the history of the Holocaust through the arts. Another useful tool on the site is the Lexicon, designed to be a concise elementary introduction to the history of the holocaust and the site's various collections. This lexicon may be browsed by letter, keyword, and media type or by using the topical Gates of Knowledge list.

Reviewed by Wayne Hanley, West Chester University of Pennsylvania

How to Cite This Source

"Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center," in in World History Commons, [accessed March 30, 2025]
A line of women and children wait by a train
“The museum Yad Vashem is one of the foremost research centers for holocaust studies in the world. ”