


Clermont–Tonnerre, "Speech on Religious Minorities and Questionable Professions" (23 December 1789)

On 21 December 1789, a deputy raised the question of the status of non–Catholics under the new regime; his intervention started a long debate that quickly expanded to cover Jews, actors, and executioners, all of them excluded from various rights before 1789.

Thumbnail of a older photograph depicting a girl sucking her thumb

19th-century American Children and What They Read

19th-century American Children and What They Read is a website born of a passion for exactly that—material written for children, and occasionally by children, in the 19th century.
thumbnail of the text

The Student Stage of Life: Brahmacharya

According to Vedic philosophy, the life span of each person is divided into four stages, or ashrams. The word ashram means "shelter," referring to the protective nature of these phases against the turmoil of life.

Thumbnail of a painting of three women and a girl watching a patient being carried.

The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record

The images document the history of enslavement in West and West Central Africa, the English and French Caribbean, Brazil, and the United States.
Thumbnail of landscape painting with a road bordered by palm trees, mountains in the distance

Caribbean Views

The online collection is of extraordinary quality, both in terms of the scanned images and the contextual detail provided.
Thumbnail image shows an ruins of an ancient temple with 6 tiers

A PreColumbian Portfolio: An Archive of Photographs

Each database record includes a caption, a brief (about 20-word) description, and information on the culture associated with the artifact, such as Maya, Olmec, or Zapotec.
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How to Teach Children: Childrearing and Confucian Doctrine

This excerpt comes from a chapter of Okina mondô, or Dialog with an Old Man, by Nakae Tôju (1606–1648), a Neo-Confucian philosopher. The Dialog teaches practical ethics through a series of questions and answers between a young disciple, Taijû, and a wise old master, Tenkun.

Thumnail image of a painting of a catfish on a Mayan vase

Maya Vase Database: An Archive of Rollout Photographs

The vases include scenes of palace life, mythology, warfare, and animals.
thumbnail of the book excerpt

Biography of Empress Deng

This biography details the childhood of Empress Deng of the Later Han dynasty. Here she is noted for her precocious intelligence, beauty, and filial piety. She was named empress to Emperor He in 102 CE.

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Learning begins in the Womb: Fetal Instruction

Han dynasty intellectuals such as Liu Xiang (c. 77-6 BCE) advocated "fetal instruction" [taijiao] as a means to influence the moral development of the child at the earliest possible opportunity.