

Thumbnail of the graph of wills in Bologna

Will-making among the general populace of Bologna during 1348

The graph displays the number of wills by gender made each month in the city and countryside of Bologna during 1348 that were copied into the city notarial registers, known as the Libri Memoriali.

Thumbnail of poster with boy flying toy plane

Traditional Soviet Values for Children

Soviet propaganda posters presented positive images of healthy, active people engaged in useful service to the state, including children. This Soviet poster from 1953 was typical of this image.

Thumbnail of poster of family eating at a table

The happy life Chairman Mao gave us, 1954

Visual images provide valuable material for the exploration of childhood, youth and history.


Protect the Great Results of the Cultural Revolution, 1974

Visual images provide valuable material for the exploration of childhood, youth and history.

Thumbnail of poster of girl studying

Studying for the mother country, 1986

Visual images provide valuable material for the exploration of childhood, youth and history.

Thumbnail of Dan Passport Mask

Dan Passport Masks

This small, mask ( 9.5 cm high and 5 cm wide) carved from wood is called a "passport" mask because it was worn on the body, kept in a leather pouch, or sewn onto a piece of cloth to represent group or family affiliation.