


Madame de Beaumer, Editorial, Journal des Dames (March 1762)

Madame de Beaumer (d. 1766) was the first of three women editors of the Journal des Dames, a newspaper founded in Paris in 1759 to encourage women to write seriously.


Aristocratic Values

This 1789 article from the Révolutions de Paris, a leading radical newspaper, argues that the Revolution has not been achieved, because all of the changes to date could still be reversed.

Thumbnail of painting of a scene with a young woman whose bare back is examined while a crowd looks and points

Salem Witch Trials Documentary Archive

This archive houses a fantastic collection of source materials pertaining to the 160 women and men accused of witchcraft in the late 17th century in the Massachusetts Bay colony.
Thumbnail photo of a woman speaking with a banner in the background

Jewish Women's Archive

The Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA), a national non-profit organization, seeks to collect and promote the 'extraordinary stories of Jewish women.'

October Days: Deposition of a Marcher

The commission investigating the October Days took testimony from twenty–five women who had participated, including Marie–Rose Barré, a twenty–year old unmarried lace–worker, whose testimony is excerpted below.


October Days: An Alternate View

A Revolutionary activist named Fournier, known as "the American" because he had been born in the French colony of Guadeloupe, here recalls his own role as a National Guardsman in the October Days as being more important than that of the market women.


Stanislaus Maillard Describes the Women’s March

Stanislas Maillard, a National Guardsman and "veteran" of the taking of the Bastille, here testifies at a police court, on the events of 5–6 October. Notice that he ultimately supports the activism of the market women.


October Days: The Warning from the People

In response to the news that royal soldiers had desecrated a symbol of national rejuvenation, the revolutionary cockade, Marat published in his newspaper, The Friend of the People, the following letter calling for all patriotic citizens to take up arms since the royal soldiers had shown themselve

Thumbnail of a photo of women working in a factoryThere is also a great deal of material on the foundation of female education and on the women’s suffrage movement.

Canadian Women's History

There is also a great deal of material on the foundation of female education and on the women’s suffrage movement.

Imperialism in North Africa: Song, Amina Annabi

North African women have long, rich traditions of vocal and instrumental music. At weddings and other joyous occasions, including religious celebrations, female musicians sing, perform, and dance.