
Middle East

Mosaic of sumerian craftsmen working

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature

the collection is arguably made more valuable and useful by its focus on a limited cultural and historical context and by its presentation of texts that are less well known and more difficult to locate.
Thumbnail of ijazahs diploma

Long Teaching Module: Education in the Middle East, 1200-2010

In recent years, westerners have been fascinated by the education of children in the Middle East, raising concern over whether or not schools teach extreme radicalism or anti-Americanism.

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British Parliamentary Papers

Despite efforts to resist, by the end of the 19th century, almost all of the Middle East had fallen under the control of European powers. Whether in the form of a protectorate or colony, European powers made changes to the indigenous educational system that impacted children.


The Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan

On 25 December 1979, the Soviet Union deployed its army in Afghanistan, in support of the Afghan Communist government against a group of Muslim opponents.

thumbnail of the Arab Countries Youth Population statistics

Arab Countries Youth Population Projection

The 2009 United Nations Arab Human Development Report describes a "youth bulge" as a high proportion of 15-29 year olds relative to the adult population.

thumbnail of the clay tablet

Sumerian School Days

This tablet, from ancient Sumeria (as early as 2000 B.C.E.), details a day in the life of a school boy.

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Jewish Women's Archive

The Jewish Women’s Archive (JWA), a national non-profit organization, seeks to collect and promote the 'extraordinary stories of Jewish women.'
thumbnail of the three Israeli boys who came together at the Western Wall in Jerusalem

Bar Miztvah

The three boys in the photograph belong to a group of Israeli boys who came together at the Western Wall in Jerusalem in 2008 for a mass bar mitzvah celebration. The orthodox social service organization Colel Chabad arranged the celebration for orphans and needy families.

Literary Source Thumbnail

Islamic Empire: Official Document, Jewish Marriage Contract

Within the context of patriarchal societies, women are dependent upon their male relatives to look out for their best interests.

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Islamic Empire: Poem, Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya

In these poetic lines by Rabi’a al-‘Adawiyya, one of the most important founders of the mystical element of Islam, known as Sufism, we see an essential element of Sufi thought, the creation of which is often attributed to her: the ideal of divine love.