Website Review


Trevor Getz and Steve Harris, San Francisco State

This website is an effort to prioritize the needs of both faculty and students, and create instructional material for college history courses. It was led by co-project directors Trevor Getz and Steve Harris, with financial support provided by the Agentives Fund. It focuses on a variety of areas of history, including world history, and in the near future (as of the time of writing), American history. The website itself does not include traditional sources, but instead has peer-reviewed teaching modules available for students and instructor access.

The teaching modules available on the site focus on a few different areas, including colonization and the silk trade. The modules include downloadable descriptions for professors, review questions for students, and even excerpts of relevant primary sources. In addition to teaching modules, the project also hosts seminars to discuss modules and how they can be used most successfully. They also have opportunities for testing the modules in the classroom, posting their own modules, and suggesting improvements to existing modules—all of which can be discussed on the History21 website forum.

The most meaningful goal of this site is its emphasis on epistemology, and students learning how to think historically. To do so, they incorporate a variety of teaching philosophies, including those that take into account the changing needs of students born in an increasingly digital era. There are not many teaching modules available on the site just yet, but it has continued to be updated with new sources, making it a growing resource for teachers to structure their lessons.

Reviewed by Carolyn Mason, George Mason University

How to Cite This Source

"History21," in in World History Commons, [accessed March 13, 2025]
Blue circle with green landmass, showing an overhead view of the globe. It is captioned h/21.
“The most meaningful goal of this site is its emphasis on epistemology, and students learning how to think historically.”