Frontispiece of Sir Thomas Roe

This image is the frontispiece of Sir Thomas Roe (ca. 1581-1644) from the book The Negotiations of Sir T. Roe in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte from the year 1621 to 1628, a collection of his correspondence during his time as the English ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. Roe advanced England's mercantile interests in Asia throughout the early seventeenth century. He served as ambassador to the Mughal court of Jāhāngīr from 1614-18 and later served as the ambassador to the Ottoman Empire from 1621-28. He also played a prominent role in various negotiations during the Thirty Years War (1618-48). The portrait depicts a well dressed Roe in a loose robe, buttoned coat, and a white collar. Around his neck hangs a badge of The Order of the Garter, the oldest and most senior Order of Chivalry in Britain. Placed on a pedestal underneath the portrait are numerous objects, such as books and a halberd, that signify to Roe's diplomatic craft. Many of these objects also bear the emblem of The Order of the Garter. Roe's badge, along with these other objects, emphasize the importance of Sir Thomas Roe's diplomatic work for England.
Frontispiece of Sir Thomas Roe from The Negotiations of Sir T. Roe in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte from the year 1621 to 1628 (London: G. Strachan, 1741). Engraved by George Vertue, possibly after Michiel Jansz. Mierevelt. © The Trustees of the British Museum
Annotated by Raymond Hyser