Primary Source

Video: Indian Boy Scouts at 1929 World Jamboree


This video features film footage of events at the Boy Scouts’ third World Jamboree, held in England in 1929. The jamboree was known as the “Coming of Age” Jamboree, since it marked twenty-one years since the foundation of the Boy Scouts. The footage reveals the importance of militarism and representations of masculinity to the Boy Scout movement. The jamboree also manifested the imperial reach of the Boy Scout movement. For example, boys from throughout the world attended as can be seen by the Boy Scouts from India in this video. While there was an emphasis on international brotherhood, the events also demonstrated how cultural appropriation was central to the Boy Scouts, with boys dressing as Native Americans as seen in another video from the jamboree. 
This source is part of the exploring empire through the lens of childhood and gender teaching module


Video via the Reuter's New Service British Pathé channel on YouTube. 

How to Cite This Source

"Video: Indian Boy Scouts at 1929 World Jamboree," in World History Commons, [accessed October 21, 2024]