Primary Source

Hobo-Dyer Projection Worldmap


On a typical world map, such as the classic Mercator projection, Greenland appears misleadingly enormous – yet few observers pause to note the inaccuracies. Mapmakers rarely question other basic assumption, such as drawing north at the top. But if the Earth resembles ball spinning through space, are ‘up’ and ‘down’ so self-evident? Better maps can provide fresh perspective, and make viewers aware of unspoken assumptions. The Hobo-Dyer projection shows accurately the relative size of different land areas, while preserving north/south and east/west lines of bearing. It also gives the Southern Hemisphere visual prominence, imagining a globe that has been re-centred Down Under.

This source is a part of the Primer: Defining World History methods module.


Map and caption printed in Northrop, Douglas, ‘Introduction: The Challenge of World History’, in A Companion to World History, Northrop, Douglas (ed), Chichester, 2012, p. 2

How to Cite This Source

"Hobo-Dyer Projection Worldmap," in World History Commons, [accessed March 11, 2025]