Primary Source

Dona Marina, Cortes' Translator: Letter, Hernán Cortés


This excerpt from Cortés’s Second Letter, written to Charles V in 1519 and first published in 1522, is one of only two instances in Cortés’s letters to the King that explicitly mentions his indigenous translator. The letters represent eyewitness accounts of the conquistadors’ deeds and experiences. In spite of the close relationship between Cortés and doña Marina, his comments are terse and emphasize her usefulness. In the most frequently cited passage about doña Marina from these letters, Cortés describes her not by name, but simply as “la lengua . . . que es una India desta tierra” (the tongue, the translator . . . who is an Indian woman of this land). Source: Cortés, Hernán. Hernán Cortés to Emperor Carlos V., 1522. In Hernán Cortés: Letters from Mexico. Translated and edited by Anthony Pagden, 72-74. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1986. This source is a part of the Doña Marina, Cortés' Translator teaching module.


Otro día de mañana salieron de la ciudad á me recebir al camino con muchas trompetas y atabales, y muchas personas de las que ellos tienen por religiosas en sus mezquitas, vestidas de las vestiduras que usan y cantando á su manera, como lo hacen en las dichas mezquita. E con esta solemnidad nos llevaron hasta entrar en la ciudad, y nos metieron en un aposento muy bueno adonde toda la gente de mi compañía se aposentó á su placer. E allí nos trajeron de comer, aunque no cumplidamente. Y en el camino topamos muchas señales de las que los naturales desta provincia nos habian dicho ; porque hallamos el camino real cerrado y hecho otro, y algunos hoyos, aunque no muchos, y algunas calles de la ciudad tapiadas, y muchas piedras en todas las azoteas. Y con esto nos hicieron estar mas sobre aviso y á mayor recaudo. Allí fallé ciertos mensajeros de Muteczuma que venian á hablar con los que conmigo estaban; y á mí no me dijeron cosa alguua mas que venian á saber de aquellos lo que conmigo habian hecho y concertado, para lo ir á decir á su señor; é así, se fueron después de los haber hablado á ellos, y aun uno de los que antes conmigo estaban, que era el mas principal. En tres dias que allí estuve proveyeron muy mal, y cada dia peor, y muy pocas veces me venian á ver ni hablar los señores y personas principales de la ciudad. Y estando algo perplejo en esto, á la lengua que yo tengo, que es una india desta tierra, que hobe en Putunchan, que es el rio grande (de que ya en la primera relation á V. M. hice memoria, le dijo otra, natural desta ciudad, como muy cerquita de alli estaba mucha gente de Muteczuma junta, y que los de la ciudad tenian fuera sus mujeres é hijos y toda su ropa, y que habian de dar sobre nosotros para nos matar á todos; é si ella se queria salvar, que se fuese con ella, que ella la guareceria; la cual lo dijo á aquel Jerónimo de Aguilar, lengua quo yo hobe en Yucatan, de que asimismo á V. A. hobe escrito, y me lo hizo saber; é yo tuve uno de los naturales de la dicha ciudad, que por allí andaba, y le aparté secretamente, que nadie lo vió, y le interrogué, y confirmó con lo que la india y los naturales de Tascaltecal me habian dicho; é así por esto como por las señales que para ello habia, acordé de prevenir antes de ser prevenido, é hice llamar á algunos de los señores de la ciudad, diciendo que los queria hablar,.y metílos en una sala; é en tanto fice que la gente de los nuestros estuviese apercibida, y que en soltando una escopeta, diesen en mucha cantidad de indios que habia junto á el aposento y muchos dentro en él. E así se hizo, que después que tuve los señores dentro en aquella sala, dejélos y cabalgué, é hice soltar el escopeta, y dimosles tal mano, que en dos horas murieron mas de tres mil hombres. Y porque V. M. vea cuán apercibidos estaban, antes que yo saliese de nuestro aposentamiento tenian todas las calles tomadas y toda la gente á punto, aunque como los tomamos de sobresalto, fueron buenos de desbaratar, mayormente que les faltaban los caudillos, porque los tenia ya presos; é hice poner fuego á algunas torres y casa fuertes, donde se defendian y nos ofendian. E así anduve por la ciudad peleeando, dejando á buen recaudo el aposento, que era muy fuerte, bien cinco horas, hasta que eché toda la gente fuera de la ciudad por muchas partes della, porque me ayudaban bien cinco mil indios de Tascaltecal, y otros cuatrocientos de Cempoal.


The following morning, they came out of the city to greet me with many trumpets and drums, including many persons whom they regard as priests in their temples, dressed in traditional vestments and singing after their fashion, as they do in the temples. With such ceremony they led us into the city and gave us very good quarters, where all those in my company were most comfortable. There they brought us food, though not sufficient. On the road we had come across many of the signs which the natives of that province had warned us about, for we found the highroad closed and another made and some holes, though not many; and some of the streets of the city were barricaded, and there were piles of stones on all the roofs. All this made us more alert and more cautious. There I found several of Mutezuma’s messengers who came and spoke with those who were with me, but to me they said merely that they had come to discover from those others what they had agreed with me, so as to go and inform their master. So after they had spoken with them, they left; and with them went one of the most important of those who had been with me before. During the three days I remained in that city they fed us worse each day, and the lords and principal persons of the city came only rarely to see and speak with me. And being somewhat disturbed by this, my interpreter, who is an Indian woman from Putunchan, which is the great river of which I spoke to Your Majesty in the first letter, was told by another Indian woman and a native of this city that very close by many of Mutezuma’s men were gathered, and that the people of the city had sent away their women and children and all their belongings, and were about to fall on us and kill us all; and that if she wished to escape she should go with her and she would shelter here. All this she told to Gerónimo de Aguilar, an interpreter whom I acquired in Yucatán, of whom I have also written to Your Highness; and he informed me. I then seized one of the natives of this city who was passing by and took him aside secretly and questioned him; and he confirmed what the woman and the natives of Tascalteca had told me. Because of this and because of the signs I had observed, I decided to forestall an attack, and I sent for some of the chiefs of the city, saying that I wished to speak with them. I put them in a room and meanwhile warned our men to be prepared, when a harquebus was fired, to fall on the many Indians who were outside our quarters and on those who were inside. And so it was done, that after I had put the chiefs in the room, I left them bound up and rode away and had the harquebus fired, and we fought so hard that in two hours more than three thousand men were killed. So that Your Majesty should realize how well prepared they were, even before I left my quarters they had occupied all the streets and had placed all their people at the ready, although, as we took them by surprise, they were easy to disperse, especially because I had imprisoned their leaders. I ordered some towers and fortified houses from which they were attacking us to be set on fire. And so I proceeded through the city fighting for five hours or more, leaving our quarters, which were in a strong position, secure. Finally all the people were driven out of the city in many directions, for some five thousand Indians from Tascalteca and another four hundred from Cempoal were assisting me

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"Dona Marina, Cortes' Translator: Letter, Hernán Cortés," in World History Commons, [accessed March 10, 2025]