Primary Source

Death Mask of Pancho Villa


Pancho Villa (1878-1923) was a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution, which lasted from 1910-1920. The revolution began with the overthrow of President Porfirio Diaz, who had been in power for 31 years. Over the next decade, elite figures vied for power, and agrarian insurrection ravaged the country. Villa became a central personality of the struggle, and he actively involved the media in his efforts. He was assassinated in 1923. The specific conditions surrounding his death remain elusive, though it was likely connected to the ongoing feuds between rival political leaders. The El Paso Museum of History has in its collections a plaster death mask of Villa, whose fame has endured into today.


"Uncovering the Truth Behind the Myth of Pancho Villa, Movie Star." 2012. Smithsonian Magazine. June 16, 2021.
Annotated by Brittany Erwin.
Photo by Brittany Erwin.

How to Cite This Source

"Death Mask of Pancho Villa," in World History Commons, [accessed March 1, 2025]