Primary Source

San Ysidro and San Buenaventura de Humanas (Gran Quivira)


This church complex was established by Spanish Franciscan friars in modern-day New Mexico in the early seventeenth century. The Crown authorized the creation of several missions throughout this region with the objective of converting the native peoples to Catholicism. The target for these efforts at this mission were the Salinas Pueblos. However, this mission was occupied for less than a century because frequent natural disasters and attacks from rival indigenous groups made its living conditions untenable. Only stone ruins of its foundations remain.


"Gran Quivira (San Buenaventura de las Humanas and San Isidro) -- Spanish Colonial Missions of the Southwest Travel Itinerary." 2016. National Park Service. July 2, 2021.
Annotated by Brittany Erwin.
"Pueblo and mission ruins at Gran Quivira." 2007. Wikipedia. July 2, 2021.

How to Cite This Source

"San Ysidro and San Buenaventura de Humanas (Gran Quivira) ," in World History Commons, [accessed March 6, 2025]