Primary Source

The King Returns to Paris

Engraving of orderly ceremonial appearance on 6 October 1789


From Berthault’s series of great moments in the Revolution, this engraving presents a version of events on 6 October 1789 favorable to the King. Reminiscent of orderly ceremonial royal appearances, this image suggests that the outcome stemmed from the King’s own will and that his heroic intervention prevented the massed National Guard units from firing.


Title in French
Le Roi promettant de venir à Paris avec sa famille

Caption in French
salve d'artillerie devant le Château de Versailles, le 6 octobre 1789


Jean Duplessi-Bertaux (engraver)
Jean-Louis Prieur (designer)

Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, RESERVE QB-370 (18)-FT 4
Collection Michel Hennin. Estampes relatives à l'Histoire de France. Tome 119, Pièces 10386-10489, période : 1789
Collection de Vinck. Un siècle d'histoire de France par l'estampe, 1770-1870. Vol. 18 (pièces 2908-3106), Ancien Régime et Révolution

How to Cite This Source

"The King Returns to Paris," in World History Commons, [accessed February 5, 2025]