Primary Source

Fleeing by Design or the Perjurer Louis XVI

Engraving of the king's arrest by the guards


Another engraving of the King’s arrest portrays the guard apprehending Louis and his family in their flight from Paris in June 1791. From Varennes, the royal family is brought back to Paris accompanied by three deputies of the National Assembly, armed guards, and a sometimes angry crowd. Upon returning to Paris, a large and unfriendly crowd turned out to view the man now known simply as Louis Capet, no longer King of the French.


Title in French
La Fuite a déssein ou le parjure Louis XVI


Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, RESERVE QB-370 (23)-FT 4

Collection Michel Hennin. Estampes relatives à l'Histoire de France. Tome 125, Pièces 10979-11059, période : 1791
Collection de Vinck. Un siècle d'histoire de France par l'estampe, 1770-1870. Vol. 23 (pièces 3894-4078), Ancien Régime et Révolution

How to Cite This Source

"Fleeing by Design or the Perjurer Louis XVI," in World History Commons, [accessed February 5, 2025]