The Days of 31 May and 1-2 June 1793

Even though popular action had unseated the Legislative Assembly and replaced it with the Convention, the elections that followed had not satisfied the radicals of Paris and their artisanal followers. From 31 May to 2 June 1793, these Parisians demonstrated outside the Convention and through intimidation forced the politicians inside to give up the Girondins who were being vilified. Although the winners of this event within the Convention—the Jacobins—managed to eliminate their political opposition, it made most of them quite uneasy to validate popular action of this sort. They were afraid it might be turned on them.
Title in French
Journées des 31 mai, et 2 juin 1793
ou 12, 13 et 14 prairial an de la République
Jean Duplessi-Bertaux (engraver)
Jacques François Joseph Swebach (designer)
Bibliothèque nationale de France, département Estampes et photographie, RESERVE QB-370 (45)-FT 4
de Vinck. Un siècle d'histoire de France par l'estampe, 1770-1870. Vol. 45 (pièces 6109-6282), Ancien Régime et Révolution