Primary Source

Anonymous sermon from 1982


This sermon was delivered in Podkowa Leśna, a small town in central Poland near Warsaw, on October 13, 1982. An émigré publishing house in the United States published a transcript in a collection of sermons that purported to present the views of the rank-and-file clergy during the period of martial law. Much more militant than the official pronouncements of the Bishops, texts such as these show that the Church spoke with many voices and that the leadership of the Church did not exercise tight control over parish priests.

This source is a part of the The Catholic Church in Poland, 1950-2000 teaching module.


Anonymous sermon from 1982

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not
let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery" (Galatians 5:1).
These are words which St. Paul wrote to the Galatians two thousand years
ago. Words, which more than ever before apply to us and are written for
us. It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do
not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Christ passed
through his way of the cross and passed through the cross and through
death on the cross. That death was an unavoidable means, the way to
resurrection. But that death and that resurrection was necessary in order
to free us, people of all times, from spiritual slavery. Christ gave his life
so that we could live, so that man could live. This is accomplished in the
sacrament of baptism, when we are joined with Christ so as to life His
life, a new life, the life of the free, the life of grace. And it is up to us
alone, all of us, whether we will grow in this freedom, whether we will
remain in it, whether we will once again be slaves.

This isn't about prisons, concentration camps, internment camps. This is
not about shackles on our hands or feet. This is about freedom of the
spirit, about freedom of the mind, about freedom of the heart. A
thousand years ago Poland accepted the sacrament of baptism, it moved
towards freedom and in that freedom it grew, defending that freedom for
itself and for others. That is why Hitler had to fall. Stalin had to fall. And
all structures of the generals, presidents, dictatorial governments, and
juntas must fall, because they are not able to destroy and subjugate the
Polish Nation, its spirit. They can shut down printers and publishers. They
can establish censorship and censorship offices. They can ban talking.
They can lock people up in camps. They can kill, shooting people in the
back, but they can never subjugate the spirit of the Polish Nation.

Parliaments can pass pseudo-legislation about freedom, they can destroy
institutions, but they can never subjugate the spirit of the Polish Nation.
Traitors, beginning with Judas, can be found in all generations. You had
the "Volksdeutch", you have various sorts who collaborated with the Nazis
against the Polish Nation. They were enemies of the Polish Nation in the
Stalinist epoch, and they are enemies of the Polish Nation today. They
were and are traitors. Perhaps out of weakness, because man is weak.
Man is fallen. Perhaps out of a desire for profit, perhaps for a career,
perhaps even for academic glory. Today we must recognize that everyone
who is not with the Nation, who is not with Solidarity, is against the
Nation. Even if only in their thoughts. . . .

The arm of justice will sooner or later reach the traitors of the Nation. It
will reach them here on earth, or in eternity. Every treason must be
punished. Every negation of truth must be punish. It must be. We can talk
about the mercy of God, but we must talk about the justice of God. "It is
for freedom that Christ has set us free." Only Christ is the foundation of
all justice. All others will pass away. They will last for a long or a short
time, but all others will pass away. That is why our hearts must be full of
hope. Hope and joy. Even when our closest brothers point pistols at us.
Even if our closest brothers denounce us. Even if our closest brothers, out
of fear, betray us and succumb to all sorts of human depravity.

Source: "Kazanie o wolności ducha i umysłu," Kazania wojenne, trans.
Brian Porter, (Chicago: Polonia Book Store and Publishers, 1984).


"Kazanie o wolności ducha i umysłu," Kazania wojenne, trans. Brian Porter, (Chicago: Polonia Book Store and Publishers, 1984).

How to Cite This Source

"Anonymous sermon from 1982," in World History Commons, [accessed February 7, 2025]